Sunday, March 21, 2010

An Afternoon Tryst

My Novella, An Afternoon Tryst, is still available on-line through The Wild Rose Press

Its a sizzling story with an very unusual ending.
I think you'll enjoy it!

Here's a blurb about my story:

Marissa is struggling in her five-year marriage. Her husband seems to have pulled away, and the close intimacy they shared has gone. When she notices Cole in the local grocery store, she is mesmerized. This encounter leads to the beginning of a steamy afternoon affair where he fulfills all of her desires with hot, steamy sex and a rose-petaled bubble bath.

Marissa craves the excitement and closeness she used to share with her husband, but can't let go of Cole who treats her like a rare and precious jewel, giving her everything her marriage is lacking. As she struggles to get through each day, anticipating their next tryst, Marissa knows that she must resolve this dilemma.

Will she cling to Cole for the excitement he gives her, or is Marissa’s love for her husband strong enough to recapture the intimacy and closeness she longs for in her marriage?

Here's a few of the great reviews I received:

Sensual Reads says -- This was a truly enjoyable read.

Whipped Cream Reviews says -- It was written wonderfully, done with respect -- and most importantly love.

Two Lips Reviews says -- Modeska Rose tells a sensual hot tale. ...I was hooked ...and completely shocked...when I reached the ending. It was one I didn't expect, but delighted in discovering.